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Meet the Artist: Edward Choi Live Interview!

Updated: Sep 27, 2024

Edward Choi, a Korean-American percussionist with a doctorate in Musical Arts. He joined the Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra in 2004 and became Principal Percussionist in three years. Not only did he perform in various international orchestras including the Philadelphia Orchestra, the Philharmonia Orchestra of London, and Toronto Symphony, but he was also the founding member of the Exit 9 Percussion Group, winners of the Chesapeake Chamber Music Competition. Edward was devoted to promoting percussion to the general public. As an educator, he has held teaching positions at Sookmyung Women's University, Kyunghee University, Hanyang University, and Seoul National University in Korea. Moreover, he has taught clinics and masterclasses in Canada, the United States, Australia, Japan, and China.

Edward是一位考取了音樂藝術系博士學位的韓裔美國敲擊樂手。他於2004年加入首爾愛樂樂團音樂,經過短短三年就成為了敲擊首席。Edward除了曾在大大小小的國際樂團(費城管弦樂團、愛樂管弦樂團、多倫多交響樂團)表演之外,他亦是贏得Chesapeake Chamber Music比賽的EXIT 9 Percussion Group的創辦人。他一生致力於推廣敲擊樂予大眾,於韓國數所大學(淑明女子大學、慶熙大學、漢陽大學、漢城國立大學)擔任音樂教授和在世界各地開班教學。

On June 28 (Sunday) at 5 pm, we will have an interview with Edward Choi on our Facebook page. Remember to stay tuned and watch our live interview. Link for the interview:🔗Link in bio)

Edward Choi會在6月28日(星期日)下午5時在Facebook線上接受直播訪問,屆時請支持和收看訪問。網上直播網址: (🔗Link in bio)

Asia Pacific Percussion Society(APPS) is a non-profit organization. APPS aims to become the supporting centre of promoting percussion culture in the Asia Pacific District. Also to provide a platform for musicians to exchange ideas, encourage and learn from each other. We are going to conduct a series of online interview with Asia-Pacific percussionists.


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Facebook: Asia Pacific Percussion Society

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Strike up Asia,

Tap on Pacific hearts.

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