On September 13, 2024,
the Board of Asia-Pacific Percussion Federation (APPF) attended the Humanities and Arts Faculty Orientation of Macau University of Science and Technology (MUST) and, on behalf of the APPF, donated a set of early education percussion instruments to the university.
The ceremony guest list included Mr. Gip Chan, Founding President, Mr. Elton Lee, APPF PR Department Director, Mr. Kenny Kwan, APPF Early Education Affair Director, Mr. Andrew Au-Yeung, APPF Consultant, as well as Professor Cheung Chi-hing, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Arts at MUST, Dr. Cheung Siu-ling, Associate Dean, Professor Cheng Chung, Dean of the School of Music, and Ms. Tong Ka-man, Consultant. The ceremony was hosted by Dr. Xie Xin, Lecturer at the School of Music. 2024年9月13日,亞太敲擊樂總會(APPF)創會會長Gip Chan陳永業先生及總會代表一行邀請出席了澳門科技大學開學典禮,並代表總會向學校捐贈了一批零基礎教育敲擊樂器。
出席嘉賓大合照 Group photo of attending guests.
Dean Cheung's Speech: Gratitude for the Support of Music Education
This donation enriches the cultural and arts education resources at Macau University of Science and Technology, focusing on promoting percussion instrument art experiences, creative teaching, and academic research, fostering growth in the higher education sector. In his speech, Dean Cheung expressed gratitude to the Asia-Pacific Percussion Federation (APPF) for their support, stating: "The generous donation of Orff instruments and African drums from APPF has not only significantly enriched our teaching resources but also reflects a deep recognition of our educational philosophy. The addition of these instruments will enhance our graduate programs, improve teaching quality, broaden students' practical experience, and comprehensively elevate their artistic literacy. This will provide our students with a wider platform for education and practical learning."
Dean Cheung Chi-hing given speech 張志慶院長致辭
Mr Gip Chan Calls for Cherishing Musical and Cultural Heritage
會長 Mr Gip Chan 陳永業呼籲珍惜音樂文化遺產
Speaking about the motivation behind donating the instruments to the university, Gip Chan, the founding president of the Asia-Pacific Percussion Federation (APPF), emphasized that percussion instruments are not only tools for music education but also symbols of the cultural heritage of various nations. These instruments can foster understanding and exchange between different cultures. He called on everyone to cherish these cultural resources and expressed hope that the instruments would serve as a starting point for students to explore the world of music. During the event, Gip Chan personally demonstrated by performing classical percussion and popular-style music on the xylophone and glockenspiel, earning enthusiastic applause from the audience.
談及此次向學校贈送樂器的初衷,總會創會會長Gip Chan表示,打擊樂器不僅是音樂教育的工具,更是各民族文化遺產的象徵,能夠促進不同文化之間的理解與交流。他呼籲大家共同珍惜這些文化資源,並希望這些樂器能成為學生們探索音樂世界的起點。在現場,Gip Chan親自示範,以木琴和鋼片琴演奏了古典敲擊樂與流行風格的樂曲,贏得了在場嘉賓的熱烈掌聲。
Founding President Gip Chan is Speeching 創會會長 Gip Chan 陳永業致辭
Professor Cheung Chi-hing, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Arts at the MUST, Presents a Certificate of Appreciation to Mr. Gip Chan, Founding President of the APPF
Professor Cheng Chung, Dean of the Music School at the MUST, Presents a Certificate of Appreciation to Mr. Gip Chan, Founding President of the APPF
Ms. Tong Ka-man, Advisor to the Music School at the MUST, Presents a Certificate of Appreciation to Mr. Gip Chan, Founding President of the APPF
Campus Tour and Insights into MUST
After the donation ceremony, the APPF Hong Kong representatives were warmly welcomed and invited to tour the campus, gaining deeper insights into the school’s educational history, achievements, and future development plans. During the visit to the Music School's classrooms, they observed the university's abundant teaching resources, such as advanced digital media learning equipment, dedicated Yamaha electronic keyboard classrooms, and classrooms featuring instruments from intangible cultural heritage. Additionally, during the orientation event at the Faculty of Humanities and Arts, they learned that the faculty currently has more than 5,100 students and offers 20 programs at the bachelor's, master's, and doctoral levels, covering disciplines such as communication studies, film studies, design, fine arts, architecture, digital media, and music.
Visiting the Macau University of Science and Technology Historical and Achievement Exhibition Hall 參觀澳門科技大學校史與成就展廳
Visiting the MUST Electric Music Classroom 參觀MUST音樂教室
MUST Humanities and Arts Faculty Orientation
MUST 人文藝術學院迎新會現場
APPF’s Vision for Cultural and Artistic Practice in Hong Kong and Macau
“APPF something more than bang”。APPF自2019年創會至今,持續聯動亞太地區敲擊樂的跨文化交流,其創會核心不僅圍繞著演奏、教育,也重視學術研究和非遺交流。此次樂器捐贈,期望能支持院校音樂教育課程的發展,繼續推動多元文化的融合與發展。以港澳一家的聯動,展現港澳在中華文化實踐、中外文化藝術交流中的優勢和努力,為國家藝術人才和文化發展貢獻力量,攜手推動世界多民族和諧節拍。
"APPF: Something More Than Just a Bang." Since its founding in 2019, the APPF has continually facilitated cross-cultural exchanges in percussion across the Asia-Pacific region. Its founding mission not only centers on performance and education but also places importance on academic research and the preservation of intangible cultural heritage. This donation of instruments aims to support the development of music education programs in universities and continue promoting the integration and growth of diverse cultures. The collaboration between Hong Kong and Macau highlights their strengths and efforts in practicing Chinese culture and fostering international cultural exchanges, contributing to the development of national artistic talent and cultural progress. Together, they aim to promote harmony across diverse ethnic groups through the power of rhythm.
Group Photo: All Faculties, Teachers and Students 亞太敲擊樂總會代表及全場師生大合照
Group photo: The APPF Hong Kong representatives and the donated instruments APPF 香港代表及捐贈樂器合照
APPF, Something more than Bang!